Toplam 127 içerik listeleniyor
Hani her cami güvendeydi?.. Montreal'de yine camiye saldırdılar!..
Turkish orphanage in Bangladesh hosts Rohingya children
Erdogan rails against Kurdish referendum 'betrayal'
Turkey vows continued support for Rohingya Muslims
Iraq Turkmen leader calls for ‘federal model’ in Kirkuk
5 questions on Turkish military's plan in Syria's Idlib
Syrian regime forces target Aleppo’s Handarat area
Kanada Başbakanı'na açık mektup
Pentagon 'not listening' to Trump 'concerns Turkey'
Recognise Jerusalem as capital of Palestine: Erdogan
Turkey: Over 100,000 foreign children get financial aid
Why is the West praising Malala, but ignoring Ahed?
Toronto Muslim girl 'scared' after attacker cuts hijab
Nagehan Alçı: YPG kills civilians as Afrin operation advances
Turkish soldiers put smiles on Jarablus’ children's faces
US claims they don't have any forces in Afrin
President Erdogan visited border stations in Hatay
Hungary PM vows tougher laws on migration
Turkish opposition leader is about to lose his chair
Turkey's Central Bank to provide all liquidity needed by banks
Terror propaganda in the EP: PKK documentary screening
Turkish, US generals discuss Syria
Turkish Army begins Operation Peace Spring in Syria
YPG made deal with Daesh terrorists
Kanada Parlamentosu'nda Uygur Türkleri oturumu
Muslim Canadian mother simplifies religion for children
Azerbaijani bank provides financial support for Turkish agricultural sector
Turkovac reaches mass production
London attack ruling first to recognize terror on grounds of white nationalism
Canada must enable humanitarian aid into Gaza following "flour massacre"
Turkish Graduates Take on Important Tasks in Reconstruction of Syria
Turkish Graduates Will Undertake Important Tasks in the Reconstruction of Syria
Turkey to host landmark World Humanitarian Summit
Calls for UN Security council reform at Istanbul summit
US says main focus with Russia in Syria is cease-fire
Armenian patriarch condemns Germany's 'genocide' motion
Kanada'daki Suriyeli mülteciler, Fort McMurray halkı için yardım topluyor..
Dinks assessment
Gülen defrauds Muslims with funnelling modelled on Church system
Erdoğan says international community has left Syria alone, calls for collaboration
“Violent Acts against Rohingya Muslims Must End”
Students from 110 countries seek education in Turkey
Turkish foundation Maarif 'eliminates' FETO's lobby in Africa
45 ülkeden BM Genel Kurulu'na acil çağrı!..
Turkish immigrant party gets ready for German election
Turkish president outlines actions against N.Iraq
Turkish MPs to debate military operation in Iraq, Syria
Barzani turns a deaf ear to referendum objections
Does the US really care about the Kurds?