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35 Somalis injured in truck bombing airlifted to Turkey
At least 145 dead as strong earthquake hits Iraq and Iran
'We know who's who' Erdogan said
Nagehan Alçı: YPG kills civilians as Afrin operation advances
Refugees await help 4 years after Alan Kurdi's death
Turkish Army begins Operation Peace Spring in Syria
'Terror groups can't be held above NATO member Turkey'
American historian points out West ignores sufferings of Turks and Muslims
President Erdoğan slams US police violence over Floyd's death
Yemen talks fail to bridge gap between warring sides
There were Muslim Indigenous in North America 100 years ago
Death toll from Türkiye's devastating earthquakes surpasses 40,000
Israeli PM Netanyahu seals controversial coalition deal
Armenian patriarch condemns Germany's 'genocide' motion
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Beatlemason comments throughout the
Egypt’s Morsi added to ‘terror’ list: Official gazette
Turkey keen to develop ties with neighbors: Yildirim
First Turkish aid-laden truck enters Gaza
Death toll rises to 50 in terror attack in SE Turkey
North Korea's FM calls Trump 'barking dog'
Toronto'da okcu dehşeti: 3 ölü
Filistin Mücadelesinin yılmaz askeri: Yaser Arafat
Turkish immigrant party gets ready for German election
Yemen cholera outbreak ‘worst in history’: Oxfam
Russian warplanes kill 7 civilians in Idlib
PKK targets innocent civilians in eastern Turkey
Turkey extends support to victims of earthquake
Turkey to feed 5,000 quake victims a day in northern Iraq
Erdogan phones leaders over US move on Jerusalem
Most Conservatives support death penalty in England
Kanadalı milyarder ve eşi evinde ölü bulundu!
'Turkish Republic continuation of Ottoman Empire'
Terror-supporter media agencies’ lie exposed
Çavuşoğlu: US should reconsider its alliances in Syria
PKK killed mother and her 11-month-old son in a bomb attack
Saudi Arabia admits Jamal Khashoggi’s death
US offers up reward for PKK terrorists
French president keeps supporting YPG terrorists
US halts reporting of civilian deaths outside war zones
I’m not siding with anybody on Syria, Trump says
President Erdoğan, Trump discuss bilateral ties over phone
White House blocks Armenia bill for the third time
İndians making Muslim genocide... Muslim-Hindu clashes kill 35 in India!..
‘Where is my family?’: Uighurs dreading for relatives in China