Toplam 2679 içerik listeleniyor
400 Daesh terrorists released by PYD/PKK
US gave up hope of YPG!..
Fake news'in adresi CNN'den Zeytin Dalı yalanı..
1141 terrorists 'neutralized' in Operation Olive Branch
Their ‘friends’ are being defeated; that’s why they are disturbed!
Relations with Syria and Egypt must be reviewed before it’s too late
Yedi düvele karşı…
We can fight in both Afrin and the Aegean...
Western countries admit links between PYD/YPG, PKK/KCK
UN reports YPG terrorists’ oppressions on civilians
Young people forced to fight for PYD/PKK speak out
Turkey boasts no. 5 diplomatic network in the world
'Turkish Republic continuation of Ottoman Empire'
YPG's terrorists hide among civilian settlements
Çankırılı Boris Arakanlılarla...
ABD Kongresi'ne sunulan itiraf gibi istihbarat raporu
ABD Suriye'de Rus askerlerini öldürdü!..
PKK'ya katılan İngiliz ülkesinde terörden yargılanacak
US drops ‘Occupied Palestinian Territories’ from annual human rights report
British YPG terrorist admits: We will never win
US buys terrorists for $100
New S-400 contact between Ankara and Moscow
Turkish soldiers heal lives in Afrin
Polonya'nın İsrail Büyükelçiliğine gamalı haçlar çizildi..
YPG terrorists enclosed elderly villages with mines
Arakanlı Müslümanların üzerinden buldozerle geçildi!
Küresel elitlerin gizli planına alet olmak
Turkey’s indigenous cars to be ready for sale by 2021
Bir rehinenin duyduğu bağlılık: Stockholm Sendromu
Kurdish Hawks to join Afrin operation
PKK trains terrorists on US’ military base
Denmark deports the little refugee girl
Terror-supporter media agencies’ lie exposed
Erdogan: Turkish Army took full control of the city
Afrin resident tells the story of terror cruelty in Afrin
MİT'in Kosova'daki FETÖ operasyonu parmak ısırttı!..
Türkiye erken seçime gidiyor..
İsrail askerleri Filistinlilere saldırdı: 7 ölü, 500 yaralı
Kıbrıs'ta 110 bin Türk Rum vatandaşı oldu
Turkey and Ukraine to start manufacturing military aircraft
German Minister: Özil incident harms Germany's reputation
Europe is on full alert over refugee influx
Musk: Tesla to launch in Turkey later this year
Macron is depicted as a dictator by European press
Avrupa diktatörünü buldu!..
AK Parti'den seçime özel internet sitesi
Havası alındı!
English press is overjoyed as crisis increases between Turkey and US
Saudi Arabia’s decision to help YPG
Fatih starts deep drilling!.